venerdì 24 febbraio 2012

Who needs water and electricity?

All those who move to a developing country know perfectly that there is a very high probability to experience power blackout and lack of running water, for short periods. Therefore no suprise that this is happening to me as well. The worrying thing is that it is lasting since 2 days now and the problem seems to be more serious than expected.

The source of the problem is the famous Inga Dams (I and II), a huge enginnering work built under Mobutu in the 70s and currently producing only 20% of its true potential due to lack of spare parts and poor maintenance. These dams are very close to Matadi but from here all the Bas-Congo and Kinshasa regions are supplied. Rumors go in every directions: among those who believe today the problem is going to be solved and others who speak about a week long blackout.

The problem has not been reported yet but some of my colleagues said that this has to do with some old components that need to be replaced and that will take a while before to reach Matadi.

The Inga dams according to the experts could produce 39 GW of electricity.

I am not an expert but apparently this is a lot of electricity; more than the double of what produced by the biggest  hydraulic power plant in the world, the chinese plant of Hubei on the Yangtse' river.

Once more, this an additional proof of the state of the country, huge potentialities "en puissance", extreme difficulties and problems in reality.

While I hope that the problem will be quickly solved, I will light some candles tonight, these are environmentally-friendly and they create a very cosy atmosphere. Ideals for a friday night...

Wish you a blackout-free weekend,



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