martedì 28 febbraio 2012

Lux Fiat...Aqua non datur !!

Breaking news: Electricity got back to the town of Matadi, yesterday evening in between 18pm and 21pm, in all districts. However, there is still no water. The UN will supply the population through water tanks to be sent to several areas of the city. In the meantime, very sad news arrived this morning: the total amount of dead people, during this crisis, amounts now to 6 people, drowned into the Congo river while busy getting water for their families. It is absolutely nonsense to die like this nowadays. I am outraged and yet powerless in front of such events. Especially, because your aim is completely the opposite:helping those people; but still you cannot do anything and I have many doubts that the management of the water and electricic companies will answer to that. Very doubtful about it.
Let's wait for water, now. Stay tuned !!.


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